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Saturday, July 24, 2004

Growing Up Part II

Look who has an ear up!!

It's Yellow!

Twice today I noticed Yellow sound asleep with her ears flipped up. Upon waking both times her right ear stayed up briefly. The second time I had time to grab the camera and get this picture. Her mother Aliy had her ears up at a very young age as well, but not quite this young. We'll see how long it takes for the ear to stay up more than a minute or two.

The pups now regularly watch the goings on in the rest of the house from the edge of their whelping box. Interestingly enough, unlike their mom and her littermates, they rarely seem to feel the need to hop out of the box and go exploring.

The puppies hosted guests again today. My friends Nancy and Kris came to see them and pronounced that they are indeed cute! cute! cute! But we already knew that :)