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Thursday, August 12, 2004

A Day of Firsts

The puppies went on their first car trip today! And they went to the vet for the first time. Okay, so they actually rode in a car to the vets when they were four days old to have their dewclaws removed. But we're not counting that because they were kind of "unaware" at the time.

They also went in a crate for the first time. The last time they rode anywhere the four of them rode in a shoe box.

They were very good, brave puppies while getting their shots. And they were VERY good quiet puppies the whole time we were riding. I had to stop at Target on the way home to buy more ice paks and when I got out of the store they were all sleeping soundly.

Today was also the first time the puppies ever got out on grass. Well, grass may be too kind a word for the green stuff growing in my yard.... but whatever you want to call it, the puppies experienced it and Yellow even tried to eat a lot of it!

As more proof how quickly the Angels are growing up...when we got home from the vet I took them out of the crate and set all four down in the drive way. They followed me all the way up the driveway, thru the courtyard, up the two front steps and into the house all on their own!

I mentioned buying more ice paks... yes indeed I had to purchase another half dozen ice paks today. Those sharp puppy teeth are doing quite a number on the ice paks and the puppies are most definitely still addicted to them. See....

Next big thing for the puppies is having their eyes checked.