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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

8 Weeks - a Bittersweet Birthday

The Angels at 8 weeks....

I can't believe there will be no 9 week portraits of all of them.

Two of them will probably be leaving this weekend. The third will go in a few weeks. The last eight weeks have flown by and I can't believe how hard it will be to say goodbye to these little girls. In my last litter I had 3 boys and 3 girls. I knew from the day they were born I would not be keeping any of the boys. And I knew from the time they were about 5 weeks old that I'd be keeping both Aliy and Raven. It's not that I didn't love all the puppies, but I "knew" which ones to get more attached to, if that makes any sense at all.

With this litter, here we are just days from the departure of the first pup and I have NO IDEA which one I will be keeping. I've allowed myself to get attached to ALL of them. Each is special in her own way....

Yellow with her sparkling personality and NEED to chew on everything....
Black with her waggy waggy tail, she loves to be held and cuddled....
Purple with her shy and and very sweet demeanor, but behind the scenes devilish personality....
Red with her love me, love me, I love YOU attitude....