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Saturday, June 19, 2004

Nothing Exciting...

..... going on here.

7pm temp: 99.7

Aliy is trying to go out to The Hole everytime I let her out in the yard. At this point I'm not sure that is a good idea so I'm monitoring her outside time. Here she is backing out of it after I caught her there this afternoon:

Looks pretty much like the other hole picture doesn't it?

Actually we may possibly be seeing some progress on the way to puppies. (I've said THAT before and been wrong, haven't I?) Although there is no temperature drop, Aliy is obsessing about the hole. A good place to have puppies. I can tell that is what she is thinking. And she left about a spoonful of her dinner in the bowl tonight. We'll see how the night goes.

Right now my money is on Ginger, Imp and Rory in the "Guess When the Puppies Will Arrive" pool! But for that guess to be right we need to see some real progress SOON.