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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The Disagreement.

Aliy and I are disagreeing on the proper way to keep the whelping box neat and tidy. *I* want Aliy to leave the towels I put down where I put them. *Aliy* wants to rearrange them and remove them.

The problem with that? The pups are turning grey from crawling over the newspapers which are under the twoels. They are also getting lost in the crumpled up towels. One almost got squished today when she disappeared under a towel and then Aliy almost sat on her!

The potential solution? I purchased some alternate bedding materials... a Velux blanket and a large piece of Polar Fleece. Both are big enough that I can put them completely under the edges of the box. Hopefully Aliy will leave them in place.

Other than this minor issue, Aliy is being a wonderful mom...