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Sunday, June 20, 2004

How BORING Can We Be?

I think this email from my friend Mary pretty much sums up my day with Aliy so far...

Yawn. If the web cam was anymore BORING - Anne sleeping. Anne knitting. Anne eating. Aliy sleeping. Aliy knitting. Aliy eating. Is Kris there with you?

The answer to the last part, yes Kris was with me. For hours and hours we sat and stared at Aliy. About 4:00 we took her for a walk. While out we met my new (moved in yesterday-still no furniture) neighbors. Turns out they have and show poodles and are very well versed in the whelping of litters. So Kris was able to go home with a clean conscience knowing if I absolutely need help I have it right across the street.